Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Roger Pielke will be debating Marc Morano in Washington, DC. The event will be hosted by the AEI and moderated by NY Times reporter Andrew Revkin

On March 9, 2010 -- post Copenhagen -- Roger Pielke will be debating Marc Morano in Washington, DC. The event will be hosted by the controversial, conservative, rightwing climate denialist American Enterprise Institute and moderated by New York Times science writer Andrew Revkin. It will be made available online for those who cannot attend
in person.

Says Pielke: "We'll be negotiating a suitable resolution to be
debated (feel free to offer suggestions in the comments), which won't
be settled until after we see what happens in Copenhagen and with U.S.
cap and trade legislation."

Dr Pielke will provide updates on the event as things
get organized.

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