Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why do they hate Al Gore with such venom? See comments below by climate denialists. It is frightening.....and sad.....!

Gore calls on world business leaders to push for climate deal

by Kate Gibson

NEW YORK -- Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore on Sunday urged a gathering of more than 500 business leaders to push for a global agreement on curbing global warming pollution, saying "Mother Nature does not do bailouts."

"The market signals on energy are badly misleading and wrong. We do not take into account the cost of pollution," Gore told the meeting of chief executives from global industry giants, including PepsiCo Inc.

"If there is no cost to be paid for the indiscriminate dumping of pollution into the earth's atmosphere, then it should be a surprise to no one that today we will dump another 70 million tons of global warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet," Gore said.

"But there is good news, because the world's business community is beginning to respond," said Gore, whose address was shown via a live Web cast from the Copenhagen Climate Council's Web site. See site:

The three-day World Summit on Climate Change meeting, which began Sunday in Copenhagen, comes in advance of December talks to determine what will replace the Kyoto climate treaty that expires in 2012.

While the United States is far behind Denmark, where nearly one quarter of the energy produced comes from wind, in each of the last two years "the single largest source of new electricity generation in America has been wind," said Gore.

Gore told the gathering it made sense to have the business community gather six months ahead of political leaders, saying "it is critically important that we get the rules of the marketplace correct so we can make decisions both in the political realm and the business realm that will allow us to live our lives in a way in keeping with which we know to be right."

Saying there remained time to act to avoid the direst consequences of global warming, Gore called for rapid action to stem the problem.

"We have to do it this year, not next year. Mother Nature does not do bailouts," the former vice president said.



When is the media going to stop being the mouthpiece of Al Gore's propaganda? When will they stop taking him seriously?

Gore's award-winning movie was found to be full of inaccuracies and lies (for instance, CO2 increases AFTER a rise in temperature, not the other way around).

Gore and company took a fleet of limos a couple blocks to get an award for his environmental propaganda movie.

Gore demands to speak before the U.S. Senate, but refuses to take questions from Senators who might disagree wit him (this is called "intellectual cowardice", or if you're a liberal, it's called, "I'm right, damnit!").

Gore's home burns 12 times as much energy as an average home. It is a model of excess and waste (George Bush, on the other hand, had a home built that is a model of environmental stewardship).

In spite of his continued record as a hypocrite and a fraud, the media keep putting Gore on a pedestal. So what if he won a Nobel Peace did Yasser Arafat.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by matador527 on 05/25/09 at 10:01AM
Give it up, Algore! Nobody cares about a phoney issue, and, as more and more evidence comes in that proves that you're lying for profit, you're becoming more and more of a joke...albiet not a very funny one.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by adm426 on 05/25/09 at 10:05AM
Can you believe this guy was almost President? He ought to be arrested and sued for trying to perpetuate the biggest fraud on mankind. There is NO global warming. The earth is cooling. CO2 emissions are readily absorbed by plants for oxygen. Earth IS a great natural recycler. That is the TRUTH! Al Gore will not debate scientists who disagree, or anyone, for that matter because he would be exposed for what he is for all to see. He is invested in companies that will produce the green products we will be forced to buy. (Like he needs MORE money.) He does not live a green lifestyle. He craves attention. His family continues to make money in big oil and other investments that he says he is against. He is desperate to see this legislation passed this year because next year is an election cycle and Cap & Trade would have even less of a chance of getting passed. Al Gore is the ultimate hypocrite! In fact, the Dems don't believe in climate change any more than I do. They just want the billions in revenue from the sale of permits and the ability to further control the population. Even Queen Nancy said we need Cap & Trade because "We need the revenue". That says it all for me.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by welovetheUSA on 05/25/09 at 10:06AM
Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom. Al Gore is a Major Problem in this movement."Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom".I'm afraid that the current crisis will be misused for radically constraining the functioning of the markets and market economy all around the world," Stop Al Gore and all his freaks who are out to destroy America. Tell your teachers to teach Math and not waste your tax dollars on brain washing your children on Global Warming.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by karl1h1 on 05/25/09 at 10:25AM
"the single largest source of new electricity generation in America has been wind," said Gore.

Maybe, and most of the wind has come from his mouth. I have a feeling he has to go on tours and stay away from home. If he doesn't then Tipper just might introduce him to another needed change "divorce".

Just another failed politician out to sell some snake oil, at least Bob Dole just tried to sell viagra, and Clinton has accepted the she is unelectable.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by thengdi on 05/25/09 at 10:36AM
Al Gore has come up with a pack of lies and is milking his publicity for all it is worth. The scientific community, especially the science journals are busy milking too as they are mum on the key aspects which debunk the global warming theory. Why did the temperature of the earth rise during 1940 and 1970 and started falling after that? Please explain.
Does warming have any effect on the 70 percent of earth's surface which is water? It will result in more clouds because of heat which will result in rain and cool the earth, but the reverse is true too. There will be fewer clouds because of intense heat! Which is happening or will happen if the temperature rises further? Nobody knows.
Press and Science Journals, please shut out Al Gore. When the global warming theroy has finally been proven wrong, he may not be around. But he has already milked the lies for all their worth. Stop this from happening!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by cjp314 on 05/25/09 at 10:56AM
It is beyond my comprehension why people continue to vote for the democratic party. Look at what people like Gore are doing. Look at what slime balls Bill and Hillary are. Look at this guy Murtha, and Blago, and Rham and Durbin, and Kennedy, and Mr. KKK Robert Byrd. Say what you will about Bush and Cheney but they are nothing by comparrison to the creeps that get elected by those that follow the democrat path. And now we have the new man in DC that is nationalizing, socializing and is a proponant of the whack jobs that believe in this global warming nonsense. And by the way, note that the people that are pushing for cap and trade are all from California. They couldn't care less about what goes on in Ohio or the rust belt. Kill the coal industry. No more nuclear power plants, no offshore drilling. What is wrong with people that they continue to give these creeps the power to destroy the basis of freedom in this country.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by bitofthought on 05/25/09 at 11:01AM
I think Al Gore is falling behind on his payments for that great energy wasting mansion of his and he needs some income.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by peanut1000 on 05/25/09 at 11:33AM
When Al Gore does more than do as I say and not as I do, I might pay attention. In otherwords, Al Gore needs to park his private jet and drive only a putt-putt car that gets 60 miles to the gallon. He also must turn the power off in his mega mansions and only use solar or wind power to take care of all his electric needs. To do anything less is hypocritical. Just another political elite stealing the tax money of the real working people for his own benefit and the benefit of this money hungry friends.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by lsnapoli123 on 05/25/09 at 11:35AM
Al Gore is a buffoon, a fraud and one of the most irresponsible ever to hold public office.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by greenman9 on 05/25/09 at 11:42AM
If Agore doesn't get his agenda in place very soon, people will realize that the earth is COOLING, not warming. Nobody will give this fool the time of day after that.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by proteus48084 on 05/25/09 at 11:46AM
Al (Living Large) Gore's global warming is simply a money grab to enrich himself and his buddies within the Democratic Party.

Following through on what he has to say will merely cause the massive transfer of financial resources to useless ends (not to mention that he and his ilk will get in the way of some of this money).

I'll believe that global warming is real when I see Gore, Waxman, Markley and Pelosi (among others) behind the wheel of a Prius and flying on a commercial airline on a daily basis.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by frankinphx on 05/25/09 at 11:48AM
This despicable creep will eventually get his way and there's nothing anybody can do about it. The time to stop this moron was back in 1992 when the idiotic American public decided to elect a sleazeball as their leader and we're still, to this day, paying that price. This is just one more example. Now, they've gone and done it again, with all their brilliance and elected the most unqualified candidate they can find who is now saddling the nation with staggering debt and socialist programs that will most likely bankrupt the nation. Congratulations America! You deserve what you're getting for being so stupid.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by tommyrichard on 05/25/09 at 11:51AM
Gore is a blithering idiot who preys upon the ignorant and uneducated. His only path to success is through the force of government; clearly not the free market. Gore and his fellow Marxists including many voters, congressmen and lobbyists, could not make a dime peddling his phony `global warming?in the free market arena. It might work if only his unsubstantiated theories about `global warming?could be proven correct; but like most mental cases who promote `feel good?nonsense, they are doomed to failure in the free market unless government compels purchase.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Yukiko on 05/25/09 at 12:08PM
Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore.... Not a good way to open a story. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to this man has changed this award from prestigious to insignificant. This man is doing nothing more than prospering on manufactured misery. All the while living a life style of environmental excesses. His motto might as well be: Do as I say, not as I do.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by GoredSilly on 05/25/09 at 12:25PM
OK - I'm 100% with everyone who thinks Gore is an idiot and who thinks that this whole man-made global warming thing is a piece of crap. So, WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT? Congress is getting ready to pass an energy bill that's going to tax people for carbon usage. Are you squawking to congress about it? Making comments on a website is great but without action, we'll all be paying a lot more in the coming years to solve a problem that doesn't exist. And we can all blame blowhard Gore for that but he won't care as he gets richer and richer from promoting global warming.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by anchorbeach on 05/25/09 at 12:40PM
Hey Al Gore shut up already.Your Man Made Global Warming is a hoax and is nothing more than a way for you leftist socialists to overthrow our free society. Cap and Trade? Let's cap the mouths of these politicians and trade them all in for new ones in 2010.
Stand up to these blowhards, they are purposely destroying our country from within. I know Gore is not in office, but there are plenty across the country we need to oust in 2010.
We need cheap energy and we have it domestically everywhere, but are denied for no good reason except to handcuff the American people from attaining our personal prosperity.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by GaryInSeabec on 05/25/09 at 12:57PM
Algore will go down in history as "The P.T. Barnham of the 21st Century"

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Coady on 05/25/09 at 1:22PM
In the late 70's and early 80's the "experts" were predicting we were on our way into another Ice-Age and there was even talk of dumping soot on the polar caps to melt some of the ice. Now, 30 years later, we have "global warming" brought to us by that world renowned inventer of the internet Al Gore.
If so-called "greenhouse gases" are causing "global warming" shouldn't there have been a steady increase in temperature since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? Global Warming is as much a farce as Gore and his limo driving entourage!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by hdame on 05/25/09 at 1:37PM
Not only is AlGorelioni a fraud but the whole rest of the idiotic party he belongs to are unscientific morons. For example, Princess Pelosi scrambled off to China to save the world from Global Warming. Accompanying her was that fearless hero of viet Nam, John Kerrey. The real tragedy is that nearly all of the Media is as ignorant of scientific method as this "Nobel Prize" winner who also invented the Internet and was the model for the movie "Love Story." Wow, what a guy!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Tampatombo on 05/25/09 at 2:02PM
Perhaps we should waterboard Al Gore to find out how much corruption $'s and side friens/family stock deals he is getting from promoting his FRAUDULENT glomal warming nonsense. Follow the money, it also leads to the source. And for Mr Malgore, it probably leads straight to a fortune extrated from regular American folks who will now have to pay their mobster "shakedown" money recently enacted to the fraulent Energy Bill that Obama and his Democrat National Socialist party friends in Congress are forcing The CAP AND MEGA TAX scheme on hard working, tax paying Americans.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by OsamasPJs on 05/25/09 at 2:05PM

Get Gaseous Al Gore off the world stage. This clown is a global-warming swindler and profiteer. I'm not saying he should be horsewhipped ---- but there's no telling WHAT I might say if we actually had freedom of speech here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Yi Ha ***
Minister of Information
Peoples' Capitalist Republic of Whizbangistan


Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by maggieh001 on 05/25/09 at 2:38PM
Won't somebody pleeeeeeeze make Algore shut his mouth??? Even the "scientists" who agreed with his global warming scam are finding that the figures are way, way off. He's starting to sound like one of those guys who walk around wearing a sandwich board that says "The End Is Near".

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Gerby1 on 05/25/09 at 2:57PM
Please go to watts up with and read the article"Renewable Energy-Our Downfall" for the straight proof Al Gore is plumb nuts!

Someone here mentioned the Gore family was or is into strip mining. That may be, but there is ample proof his father Al Sr. was a big initial investor,along with Armand Hammer (the Russian), in Occidental Petroleum Company. My guess is they still have substantial family holdings in this Oil Company.

I would hope everyone goes with me to the next Tea Party to protest this "global warming" bs and offer to take a pitchfork to any congressman voting for it!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by sbarra1 on 05/25/09 at 3:09PM
I don't accept his premise that there is man made global warming. I can call up more scientist to refute his claim then he can bring up to extole it. What we should have is Al Gore give his proof under oath, with the penalty of life imprisonment because the ramifications of this will cost governments into the trillions of dollars and more when you consider lost jobs etc. etc. Better yet lets give this bloated failed politician a trillion dollars and a couple of years to raise the temperature of earth anyway he can.He knows all the reasons why the earth is getting warmer.This should put an end to the question of mans involvement with the rising temps. If he can't do it lets publicly tar and feather him and be finished with the argument. I am sure he will accept either way because he is so sincere and has such genuine concern for the planet,...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is just a huckster and this is all about him and money, like father like son.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by GlobeSailing on 05/25/09 at 3:55PM
Obama's cap-and-trade is pay back to the environmentalist elite for their votes in the November election. Political corruption pure and simple! Gore will enrich himself, along with his allies Waxman and Pelosi of California is Cap-And-Trade is passed. America will loose its competitiveness and millions of jobs will be lost if cap-and-trade is passed. Based on a MIT study, the cost of this cap in trade legislation will cost he average American houshold over $3300 annually. Instead of DRILLING NOW or tapping into America's extremely cheap natural energy resources like coal, using CLEAN COAL technology, expanding cheap nuclear energy, the elitists want to tax us to death! We get over 70% of our energy in America from coal. Coal technology is now extremely clean and is the cheapest energy source available and best of all, it is ours and it is EXTREMELY plentiful! Then there's the oils reserves that we have right here at home, yet, we are dependent on buying oil from an enemy simply because Al Gore and his elitist friends can continue to enrich themselves! Call your Representatives in this out of control Washington and make your voice be heard! Vote DOWN Cap-and-Trade or we will lose millions more American jobs.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by GlobeSailing on 05/25/09 at 4:05PM
Got to give it to this fraud. Al Gore knows how to make money! First the book - made millions. The movie - made millions, then the carbon footprinte exchange - making him millions as we speak. Now he gets the greatest payoff in his money making scheme through the payback Obama is giving him and his California's left coast wako liberals bedfellows, Waxman and Pelosi through the cap and trade. VOTE DOWN CAP AND TRADE! This bill will kill America's competiveness in the world and millions of American jobs, all the while Al Gore enriches himself and his elitist allies.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ilikehotdogs on 05/25/09 at 4:13PM
Al Gore is a lying fool, lining his pocket with this foolish notion of global warming. Please stop writing stories about him.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by parker1227 on 05/25/09 at 4:29PM
Cap and Trade energy taxes are expected to cost the average family between $1,500 and $2000 a year in increased energy costs. That is not including the HUGE negative macro-economic impact Cap and Trade will have on American companies trying to compete with India and China who aren't going to tax the "electrons" out of their "evil" energy producers and consumers.

But just to make things worse, democrats in congress are now handing out cap/trade exemptions to all companies who agree to "play ball", (read: give big campaign donations to democrats in the future).

Stop the insanity now! No Cap and Trade taxes. Demand energy security using an all-of-the-above strategy. More drilling, more nuclear,clean coal, more refineries and investment in future tech - which has not proven to be economical or scale-ready yet.

Don't let the Democrats play with our lives and well being based on the rantings of a fool like Al Gore who doesn't even have the guts to debate his claims in an open forum.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by woodspin on 05/25/09 at 4:31PM
it is too bad algore's father didn't bailout while making algore then we wouldn't have to keep hearing about this robots lifeless disturbed mental gymnastics.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by nfisherman on 05/25/09 at 4:44PM
I used to think that Algore is a fool, but I was wrong. He is brilliant! It's his followers who are fools. Global warming is a hoax. It is being used as a tool to advance Socialism and to redistribute wealth from rich to poor nations and from rich to poor individuals in this country. Algore is brilliant because he's selling this crap to us and he stands to make billions from it.

Our current administration consists of some of the biggest fools out there. How big you ask; we're exporting nuclear technology to the UAE (for peaceful purposes, of course) but we say no to nukes at home. Instead, Obama & co. try to tell us that we can solve our energy problems with windmills and solar panels. Those are the real idiots; not Gore.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ralpherus on 05/25/09 at 5:56PM
Algore needs to be arrested. The freak is a narcissistic sociopath trying to steal more money than has ever been stolen- more than the bills passed since the coronation of the zero!!! Hypocritical vermin traitor slime he is, it should be boiled for the oil it contains.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by tresc26 on 05/25/09 at 6:07PM
I don't think many people realize it but Al Gore has probably Never worked in a Real job, he was raised in a Hotel apparently and has benefits so he really doesn't have to work, the Money he gets is probably donated to his former or next campaign or his income from Oil Leases on his Family Property, owned by Armand Hammer, the Occidental Oil Company, I Believe and he may be Related by Marriage to that man's family,
He also, btw has really said only what Other people have said about Oil and Pollution which is not consistent with Science as far as Reality,
Yes, much Pollution goes into the atmosphere, however it is not as bad as he says, nor is it as Sure that he and his SUpporters are Correct.
The Truth is that a Major Cause of Global Warming seems to be the cause, and it has not been verified nor discussed,
The Factor I refer to is called Precession of the Earth's Orbital axis which rotates in a Complete Circle around its precessional axis as does the Rotational Axis of a Gyroscope.
IT will cause the atmosphere to exhibit Global Warming I believe every 13000 Years, and seemingly the Axis is now Tangent or close to Tangent to the Elliptical Orbit of Earth when the Earth is Closest to the Focus of that ellipse where the Sun Is Located,
Normally, although the Earth Receives equal radiation from the SUn at each location on the Elliptical ORbit, at this particular Segment of the Elliptical Orbit, the Warming of the Sun hits the Earth with Equal Warming at the Polar Regions as it Rotates throughout each day, and this gives more long lasting melting of the Polar Regions so that the Polar Regions Melt more Completely during that time the Earth is at that Segment of the Elliptical ORbit and also on the Other side of the Ellipstical Orbit, giving the Greatest Decline of Negative Latent HEat stored at the POles
This results in Probably Milder Prevaiing Winds, Warmer Northern Climes Resulting in Better Farming Results in the More Northern Parts, more work days in the Northern US, Better Fishing in the Eastern Fishing Grounds as the Fish from More Southern Waters have begun to move Northward in the Last several Years, this Information is from Newspaper Reports and from Television Reports.
THis is really good for the US and for the World,
So all is not lost, its a benefit and the SO Called Need for Environmental Technology is a Power and Economic Money Grab for the Media Corporate Holder Corporations and Al Gore is just Helping out the Manufacturers so they can Force Feed you Global Warming Technology and Steal Dollars from you and the Rest of the world,

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by redbrickbarn on 05/25/09 at 6:46PM
Al Gore is a tool of Prince Charles and the Rothschilds banking conglomerate and the Rockefellers. Here is a good documentary to watch.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Schratboy on 05/25/09 at 7:15PM
Fatty Gore says Mother Nature doesnt do bailouts. Mother Nature also doesn't pay 100,000 dollar speaking fees to charlatans!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by RHO1953 on 05/25/09 at 8:37PM
Here's a man who created a crisis, found a way to commercialize it and is deified by the ignorant masses. Wow, only in America could a man this shallow and phony get away with it.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by UncleBuckeye on 05/25/09 at 8:40PM
Doesn't this idiot ever shut up?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by rlepir on 05/25/09 at 8:46PM
How about we put a cap on Gore and trade him to China. They own us now and they have a lot more people there that he needs to convince they all have stop exhaling that CO2. I can't breathe now with how disgusted I am with this idiot who has no idea how middle America lives. Someone please tell him to STFU. Contact your representatives and make some noise.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by wojo007 on 05/25/09 at 8:49PM
No, they have Zinc mines on their property in Carthage. They were rich from it. He makes his money as a snake oil salesman.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by dave5000 on 05/25/09 at 9:02PM
Who is Al Gore, again?

And why is the Plain Dealer covering anything he says?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by FoggsKnacker on 05/25/09 at 9:17PM
From the comments posted herewith, I believe cap and trade may do for Chairman Obama what the assault weapons ban did for Bill Clinton and his backers. If that is the case, then $2,000 per family is a real bargain, don't you agree?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by hedge685 on 05/25/09 at 9:32PM
I have one thing to say....ManBearPig!!!!!!!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ralpherus on 05/25/09 at 11:28PM
foggsknacker- I hope you are right- but considering that 99% of obama's appointments are clintonistas, this time around we better round up the scoundrel thieving fascist traitor murder pigs and lock them fully sealed behind brick walls. Two tiny windows for air and food to pass through is too much. Just air- wait- they pollute it. OK- toss them in a trench and cement it over. That is how to save the planet for evil.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Bruiser on 05/25/09 at 11:38PM
If real justice was exercised in the world, this clown-hypocrite would be on trial for being instrumental in deliberately perpetrating a massive and destructive fraud on society.

Instead, he is propped up by the godless liberals of the world; the self-styled "intellectuals" who would not let facts or common sense or the evidence in front of their very eyes get in the way of their "higher purpose" (read: warped wacko agenda). They happily prop up this crap-peddler because he helped devise and promulgate what amounts to a massive behavior-control, power-transfer, money-transfer, government-expanding scam. In the eyes of the ungodly sanctimonious benighted know-what's-best-for-the-peons totalitarian power-hungry anti-libertarian leftists, that's a GOOD thing. Sick, huh? Pathological.

And, of course, there will always be a contingent of bleating, babbling sheep who will latch onto the latest sky-is-falling "cause" for lack of a better hobby or any real sense of purpose in their miserable lives.

Manbearpig indeed.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by jjauregui on 05/26/09 at 12:06AM
Democrats are getting desparate to get Global Warming carbon tax legislation passed in light of observational data showing the earth and the other planets are cooling as the sun's activity wanes with the late onset of solar cycle 24 possibly signaling a Maunder-type Minimum.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by riteaidbob on 05/26/09 at 12:43AM
Someone needs to file a lawsuit and get this gas bag in jail for pushing the greatest SCAM ever.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by lNDEP1 on 05/26/09 at 1:02AM
Ah, the Goracle reappears.

I am impressed by so many excellent Comments above.It is heartening to know that others outside of the MSM aren't buying "act" either.

While it's not a contest, I particularly found this Comment informative and accurate:

"Posted by peanut1000 on 05/25/09 at 11:33AM

When Al Gore does more than do as I say and not as I do, I might pay attention. In other words, Al Gore needs to park his private jet and drive only a putt-putt car that gets 60 miles to the gallon. He also must turn the power off in his mega mansions and only use solar or wind power to take care of all his electric needs. To do anything less is hypocritical. Just another political elite stealing the tax money of the real working people for his own benefit and the benefit of this money hungry friends."

So true, so true.

All I'll add is that the same is true for many promoters of climate change, both in Washington and Hollywood. Most (there are a few exceptions) of these Lear jet liberals live by the motto "do as I say, not as I do!"

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by madrums on 05/26/09 at 1:23AM
Anyone who believes Algore shouldn't be living in this country.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by batjak456 on 05/26/09 at 2:18AM
A 100% disabled Air Force Vet here.

By the content of his character...

When Al Gore was sent to Vietnam he said he went 'so that some other "Son of Tennessee" wouldn't have to go.'
After he realized some people actually believed that line of crap, he knew he was onto something.
That's when myself and a whooooole lot of other folks knew just what kind of 'man' he really is.

I'm tellin' you, when you deal with this fellow, you better keep your head on a swivel.

By the content of his character...

By the content of his character...

By the content of his character...

Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds like an ad hominem...

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by mg29 on 05/26/09 at 5:01AM
Being born into priviledge does not make one a good public official or leader.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by thinkerray on 05/26/09 at 6:42AM
Al Gore doesn't know Mother Nature: She has bailed herself out a myriad of times despite idiots like Al Gore. When a fire ravages the woods, mother nature starts over and new growth appears quickly and life resumes. When Mount Saint Helen's erupts and everything is wiped out, Mother Nature simply reseeds and does it all again. When volcanoes erupt, the lava eventually cools down and new land is created. When a tornado rips apart an area, Mother Nature bails herself out and rebuilds what comes naturally to the area. The only thing Mother Nature doesn't bail out is Al Gore and his arrogance and consistent insistence on global warming. When he says hot - she blows cold air. When he says melting ice caps, the polar region expands and gets larger. Gore is a liar and idiot. Mother Nature just keeps working like normal.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Awkins on 05/26/09 at 7:50AM
Here's and idea. Someone with sculpting skills should carve a out a life-size statue of Al Gore from a huge piece of coal and then burn it in public the next time there is an unusually cold day. I would nominate that person for the next Nobel Peace prize.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by zamborc on 05/26/09 at 8:07AM


THE OCEANS ARE RISING AND THREATENING OUR COASTLINES.......HMMMMM......seems to me that Miami Beach and Malibu are in THE EXCAT SAME PLACE THEY WERE 100 years ago!




Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by acadgrad81 on 05/26/09 at 8:25AM
One can easily see the true colors of the dominant liberal media, giving line space and air time to this huckster. Yet, when a conference of credible and reputable scientists is held to discuss the opposing view, we will see or hear nothing about it. The next major event is coming soon.
The Third International Conference on Climate Change will be held in Washington, DC on June 2, 2009 at the Washington Court Hotel, 525 New Jersey Avenue NW. It will call attention to widespread dissent to the asserted onsensus?on various aspects of climate change and global warming. Read more at
The science is NOT settled, folks. Even though Algore wants to plug his ears and say, "I don't want to hear any more- that's the end of it," we all need to let him have it with both barrels.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by TaurusPT145 on 05/26/09 at 8:33AM
Over 50 comments so far and not one person is expressing a belief that global warming is man-made. It is a small sample of our population to be sure, but it sure seems like we all agree Al Gore is an idiot and global warming as a "cause" is a joke. Yet, why does he continue to have relevence and why do others like him keep getting elected? Obama supports all of these nut jobs, how does he get elected? Companies are buying into this BS and yet we don't contact our congressmen/women and senators enough to make a difference. Best comment so far is by Zamborc:



Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Chopper41 on 05/26/09 at 9:00AM
Got to love how the writer opens the article with "Nobel Peace Price winner...", as if that means we should automatically believe Al Gore.

They wonder why no one is buying newspapers anymore? Who would pay for junk reporting like this?
Global warming is the biggest farce ever committed and not one newspaper is investigating it. Not a single one. Out of the thousands of newspapers in this every city, in every state... every newspaper is the same - they all toe the party line. Yet read these comments - no one believes them. The media is a joke. Especially newspapers.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Chopper41 on 05/26/09 at 9:01AM
Got to love how the writer opens the article with "Nobel Peace Price winner...", as if that means we should automatically believe Al Gore.

They wonder why no one is buying newspapers anymore? Who would pay for junk reporting like this?
Global warming is the biggest farce ever committed and not one newspaper is investigating it. Not a single one. Out of the thousands of newspapers in this every city, in every state... every newspaper is the same - they all toe the party line. Yet read these comments - no one believes them. The media is a joke. Especially newspapers.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Sansan on 05/26/09 at 9:03AM
Al Gore (or Algoreethym as my husband calls him) is a moron and people who listen to him are absolutely politically bought in and continue to push the poor excuse for a Nobel Prize winner that I have ever seen. It makes Nobel Prize winners look like idiots. All this man cares about is self agrandizing and enriching himself. Anyone that listens to Gore is seriously stupid and does not accept facts.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by tnboy on 05/26/09 at 9:16AM
Al Gore's family made their money in tobacco and politics for the record

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by skullsplitte on 05/26/09 at 9:26AM
I am glad to see that the people of Ohio are still some of the most level headed people in this country. I live in the desert here in Arizona and I can tell you that when it is 30 degrees at night and 70 degrees at noon it is all about the sun. A fluctuation of that amount in a 24 hour period has nothing to do with carbon. Gore is a fraud and a self-worshiping liberal soon to be lost to the pages of history.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by tnboy on 05/26/09 at 9:26AM
Fat Al is what we like to call him. He uses more electricity in 1 month than I can use in a year.
Way to go Al baby get the facts out . He is a fake just tring to scam money from the un-informed

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by rojoro1x3 on 05/26/09 at 9:31AM
It has recently occurred to me what a true genius is Al Gore. This world on which we live is getting smaller by the minute and there has to be a vehicle by which the elites of this world, Algore included, can manipulate, control and tax the masses. Gore has designed a system whereby that will happen via carbon credits. The true genius of Gore's plan is he figured out the masses would not accept this readily hence the fear instilled via the impending death of mankind due to manmade global warming. Never mind it isn't happening, Gore is betting on the ignorance of the masses, something politicians have been counting on for quite some time. It is a safe bet.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ulyssesmsu on 05/26/09 at 9:42AM
Al Gore--hypocrite, liar, ignorant opportunist. The sooner we all ignore this evil person, the better.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by FireNWater on 05/26/09 at 9:43AM
The comments here show exactly why so many high tech companies and young people are flocking to this area. I mean where else in America can you get so many really smart people to comment? I mean some of the most brilliant minds in the world have posted their comments here. If the rest of the world would only listen, all of the world's problems could be solved. Yes we want and need more and more nuclear plants. It's the liberals who keep us from building more nuclear plants. Why I know all of the connedservatives in Brunswick would welcome having a nuclear plant right next door to them. I'm sure that people in Eastlake and Mentor would die for a nuclear disposal area to be in their neighborhood. You know it's a known fact that if you call yourself a "conservative" it automatically makes you smarter than any other people in the world. So now that all of the high intellectuals of this area have the global warming thing solved, let them work on enlightening the rest of the world. I am waiting for these intellectuals to expose the fraud of the world being round and the sun revolving around the sun. We all know those are other lies that the liberals like Al Gore have been telling too long. We must stamp out all of this "book larning" and only listen to the high intellects here.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by skullsplitte on 05/26/09 at 9:45AM
Did Gore ever have a real job in his life? I mean this guy is a life long politcian who laughed at Ollie North's testimony about the dangers of Osama Bin Laden!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by fatfishblu on 05/26/09 at 9:46AM
I am sorry to say that we will eventually lose to this idiot. It seems the more we oppose his B.S., the closer our government gets to signing worthless legislature that will only increase our debt and worsen the economy. The world is not immune to this idiot's ramblings. Look in the U.K. they are planning a ban on Lamb, tomatoes and other "High CO2 emitting" organisms from restaurant menus! When will this end?

If you want to beat the system, research what companies Al Gore has a vested interest in. Throw a few bucks in these company stocks and make a little profit! Here are 2 that he shares the board with: GE and Apple.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by azgirl on 05/26/09 at 10:16AM
Al Bore. He's bitter and shrill. I liked the how he goes around the world with his big butt getting in and out of SUV's, chauffer driven big cars, private airplanes..etc. promoting his silly causes. I refuse to partake in this nonsense. One time some reporter caught his entire family getting into the huge SUV's after one of his speaches. Whatever he is doing....whatever he is for his own self-interest. He has a huge compound he lives on, the lights are on all the time, he and his family are not doing one thing to abide by the b.s. he's throwing out there sermonizing what we should be doing. In his honor today, I'm gonna get all kinds of plastic bags, throw my recycle items in the regular trash, leave the lights on and run my water. I don't believe one iota of his "global warming" b.s.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by azgirl on 05/26/09 at 10:23AM
Also....Al Gore has never worked a day in his life. He was born of privilege with a silver spoon in his mouth. I thought that the CCR song "Fortunate Son" was about him..."it ain't ain't me.. ..I ain't no senator's son no.....I ain't no fortunate one"
Gore did go to Viet Nam but it was in some prissy assignment so he wouldn't get his butt blown up.
Phoney. Like him. "some folks are born silver spoon in hand...Lord, don't they help themselves"
"some folks inherit star spangled eyes...ooh, they send you down to war, lord"

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by DaveInCalif on 05/26/09 at 10:29AM
Intersting how Mr. Gore ignores all of the negitive impact to the birds that die from the wind mills, or the other animals affected by the load noise they produce. Not to mention the fact that China is not going to buy into the 'Climate Change" aggenda, and according to Gore science behind this, the US doing this alone will not fix a thing. And of course the FACT that we haven't had any warming at over the last 15 years, but that has only caused the Gore faction to change the name of their movment. Of course, breathing causes "global climate" gasses and I do know that Al Gore blows a lot more hot air then most people.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by fantumx on 05/26/09 at 10:55AM
"Al Gore has probably Never worked in a Real job"

Are you kidding, He was a mule skinner and he invented the Internet.

Al Gore Refuses Energy Pledge

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by GregOhio on 05/26/09 at 11:05AM
Posted by tresc26 on 05/25/09 at 6:07PM

"I don't think many people realize it but Al Gore has probably Never worked in a Real job,"

Serving in the US Army in Vietnam isn't a real job?


Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by toray99 on 05/26/09 at 11:53AM
This is a big scam for more money. Everybody knows gore has a company that sells carbon credits, and most congress have invested in it too. What a great way to get rich have a investing interest and be able to write the laws. Boy are we the american people the schumks. I say term limits on Congress and drug testing for ALL Government including president and all his minion.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by chbeyer on 05/26/09 at 11:54AM
Why is it that ALGORE REFUSES TO DEBATE HIGHLY RESPECTED CLIMATOLOGISTS WHO HAVE MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE TO REFUTE SO CALLED 'MAN MADE' GLOBAL WARMING? Why is it that everytime Gore speaks the mainstream media gives him front and center publicity? I will explain why.

This is all a socialist money grab to promote carbon credits and massive tax increases on all Americans. The science of the argument dosen't matter. Liberals led by the Obamamessiah just want us all to drink the cool aid and open up our already overtaxed pocketbooks. Lets take America back!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by toray99 on 05/26/09 at 11:56AM
This is a big scam for more money. Everybody knows gore has a company that sells carbon credits, and most congress have invested in it too. What a great way to get rich have a investing interest and be able to write the laws. Boy are we the american people the schumks. I say term limits on Congress and drug testing for ALL Government including president and all his minion.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by greenman9 on 05/26/09 at 12:29PM
Gore is as stupid as a fence post.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by zamborc on 05/26/09 at 1:24PM
FireNWater.....Pleae give us your or AL'S answer to my "stupid analysis" below..Please enlighten us



Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by warmmonger on 05/26/09 at 1:27PM
god bless cleveland! just when i was afraid americans were turning into sheep, you (with the exception of "FireNWater") have renewed my faith. although i prefer to stick to the scientific argument when discussing "climate change" i do appreciate any and all al gore bashing. just today two more PEER REVIEWED papers were brought to light, one showing NO ANTHROPROGENIC WARMING and the other correlating various sunspot sequences with past and current climate changes. how's that for "book larning"! oh, if only the warmers had science on their side, maybe they would not have to resort to insults and name calling.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by triper57 on 05/26/09 at 1:43PM
Al Gore: The next Bernie Madoff for his Cap and Trade Ponzi scheme.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by lmikeyf on 05/26/09 at 1:52PM
fire and h20

the sun revolves around the sun ?

please explain that one to me

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ynot4tony2 on 05/26/09 at 3:21PM
GregOhio said: "Serving in the US Army in Vietnam isn't a real job?"

It depends. If you're given a cushy photo-journalist position and are kept far, far away from combat because your father is a Senator...then no, Greg. No, Al Gore's "service" in Vietnam was not a real job at all.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by azgirl on 05/26/09 at 3:59PM
Al Bore is just so angry all the time. What's he angry at or about? He's got tons of money. If he's mad at anyone it should be Bill and Hillary. They did him in good. Instead, he takes this preposterous road show around the world and I swear he's trying to get back at the U.S. for not electing him. He felt he was the one in line to be president. What an idiot. He's an embarrassment to the State of Tennessee and the U.S. I just cringe when I see him. Like Joe Biden.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by FireNWater on 05/26/09 at 4:47PM
Z : The grade zamborc received the one day he attended school. That's okay zamborc, you didn't need all of that book larning to pick up trash from the side of the road did you?????

lmikeyf: That was clearly a typo. But I will break it down to a level that you understand. Your parents have obviously taught you such facts as reading is for idiots and book larning don't teach you nothing you need. I'm sure they also taught you the fact that the earth is flat. Everyone knows that. If the earth was round like those pointy headed liberals want you to think, how could you walk to the cooler and get a beer? How could the have NASCAR? How would we not fall off. You better pay attention to your folks. So yes the sun goes around the earth.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by zamborc on 05/26/09 at 7:53PM
FireNWater.....I have 3 college degrees including a Maser of Science.

I was also accepted into numerous PhD programs but chose to keep MAKIN THE MONEY.

Now care to have a debate on your science?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by PoorRichrd2 on 05/26/09 at 8:41PM
Al who ??

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by choppastyle on 05/26/09 at 10:37PM
When will this man be sued for fraud? I cannot believe I supported him for President in 2000.

The Nobel prize will never be what it once was. The Nobel committee should ask for the prize back.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by beegmachine on 05/27/09 at 12:59AM
I heard he lost all that weight with this new fad freshly slaughtered seal heart diet.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Bruiser on 05/27/09 at 1:49AM
Holy cow, FireNWater sure went on a nonsensical rant.

I was wondering where all the bleating, babbling liberal sheep were hiding, why they stopped showing up to defend the likes of Algore and nutjob Pelosi in the news lately.

Looks like a real prime specimen made his way here -- taking time out from the "community Obama gush" over at Daily Kos or Huffington Post, no doubt -- he made his way here to parrot the "why you dastardly uneducated redneck NASCAR-lovin' pickup-truck-drivin' gun-totin' right-wing jerk-faces!" argument that passes as "debate" and "irrefutable logic" among brainwashed, mind-numbed liberals.

How dark it must be in that "enlightened, progressive" world libs live in. Tsk.

PS, FireNWater, if you're going to talk about "book larnin' and what-not" -- or a lack thereof -- with regards to us Bible-thumpin' moonshine-distillin' conservatives, then you might want to look into a copy of Strunk & White's yourself; and try reading what you type before hitting the post button, Professor.

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