Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Virtual Graduation Speech to Class of 2099" on Climate Change and Global Warming Hits the New York Times

"Virtual Graduation Speech to Class of 2099"
on Climate Change and Global Warming
Hits the New York Times

May 18th 2009

I’m a regular reader of Andy Revkin’s New York Times DotEarth blog, and I recently wrote him a note introducing my graduation speech to the class of 2099. To my great and happy surprise, I found out today that Andy had posted a nice bit about the 2099 speech on his blog, Dot Earth, in a corner called "Meet YOur Neighbors". Hey, it's not the front page of the print edition, but it's the NEW YORK TIMES.

This is big excitement. The post appeared on Meet Your Neighbors page of Dot Earth. Traffic to YouTube went through the roof. (Perhaps only the journalists in the audience — I am a freelance and still recovering journalist — can appreciate the thrill of appearing in the pages, even if web pages, of The Gray Lady.)

I am now digesting a lot of comments made by readers, both at Dot Earth (you have to log in to read them) and on my site. I will post specific responses to commentors next week.

For now, it’s interesting to track the tone and tenor of the comments. Some people like the video, others don't care for it at all.

I appreciate all the input.

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