Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's Graduation Time in 2099. Remember that virtual graduation speech by Danny Bloom that the New York Times posted in 2009? Well, here it is!

It's Graduation Time in 2099.

Remember that virtual graduation speech by Danny Bloom that the New York Times posted in 2009?

Well, here it is!

(Scroll down a few nanoseconds to the face in the cap and gown. That's Bloom in 2009. He's dead in 2099. We'll all be dead in 2099. Maybe that is why he made this video: to warm future generations of the trouble we seen. And to raise the alarm, in Dr Jesse Ausubel's prophetic words from 1988: "We must tighten the noose around coal".
But did we? Did you? If not, we might be DOOMED, as Private Frazier used to say on "Dad's Army" in that UK sitcom. "We're doomed, we're doomed."

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