Polar Cities book proposal for Chinese-language publishers
A proposed book in Mandarin and English about the possibility of polar cities, aka LOVELOCK RETREATS, for future survivors of global warming in, perhaps, year 2500 AD....
Thinkin of changing name of polar citres to "climate retreats" or / and / "sustainable population retreats"....since these settlements for climate refugees in the future will not be at the poles per see, nor in polar regions only, and they will not be cities exactly, more like villages, encampments, towns....so polar cities is a bit of misnomer, although it is catchy and caught the media's attention....and the name is still useful for media people to grab onto and use in headlines, but maybe we should start calling these settlements "climate retreats" -- some will be in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, NZ, Tasmania, Australia, Canada, Russia, etc.
Thinkin of changing name of polar citres to "climate retreats" or / and / "sustainable population retreats"....since these settlements for climate refugees in the future will not be at the poles per see, nor in polar regions only, and they will not be cities exactly, more like villages, encampments, towns....so polar cities is a bit of misnomer, although it is catchy and caught the media's attention....and the name is still useful for media people to grab onto and use in headlines, but maybe we should start calling these settlements "climate retreats" -- some will be in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, NZ, Tasmania, Australia, Canada, Russia, etc.