Chilling but hopeful book about future asks important questions
The book is titled "Failsafe", and it's written
by Canadian professor Ian Prattis. He says that humankind is slowly
but surely hurtling towards a series of cataclysmic economic, social
and ecological events that will take future generations to the brink
of destruction. But Prattis remains optimistic in the long run, saying
that "our hardwired instinct for self-preservation can save us -- but
only if it triggers new ways of thinking, being and interacting".
Published recently by Manor House Publishing in Canada, the book,
which retails for CD$24.95, comes just as a time when global
economies are flirting with possible collapse. The book is now
available in Chapters/Indigo stores across Canada as well as on their
website and on Amazon's order site.
The book comes with a forward by Canadian environmentalist David
Suzuki, and one observer sees "Failsafe" as "a critical response to
James Lovelock's "The Revenge of Gaia", which painted a darker picture
for the future of humanity than Prattis does.
In fact, while Prattis believes that the current situation is dire --
and will likely get worse -- human beings are programmed literally
with what he calls a "failsafe", which will ultimately kick in,
unleashed by humans' will to survive. The book provides an in-depth
understanding of global eco-crises and issues a call to change the
existing world order by arriving at a deep spiritual understanding of
what needs to be done. Step by step methods are laid out on how to
usher in a new era of planetary care, social justice and peace. The
perfect book for these troubling times.
Prattis asks a vital question in his book: "Can we fix the planet?"
His answer is that that question is wrong author question.
"Our present values and patterns of consumption are the architects of
the present global emergency<" he insists. "The right question is can
we fix ourselves?"
"Failsafe" describes how human ignorance will rule until the global
situation deteriorates to a breaking point. This breaking point will
then act as a catalyst, activating consciousness so it is propelled
into expansion, deliberation and change.
Suzuki says in his introduction: "With this book, Ian Prattis offers a
way to a perceptual transformation that is absolutely critical if we
are to find a truly sustainable future."
The book shows that we have the capacity to make positive changes:
That there is hope for future generations to occupy a healthy planet
and faith in the human consciousness to save the planet. And yes,
"Failsafe" provides good examples and guidance for transformation and
Currently a Professor Emeritus at Carleton University in Ottawa,
Prattis is also the founder of Friends for Peace -- a coalition of
environmental groups that works for peace and planetary care. Read his
book with planetary care.
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