Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Will Hollywood greenlight "LOVELOCK" movie about global warming disaster in 2525 for 2012 release?

Dear Sir,

I am a Hollywood associate producer, and I am looking for a spec script for a very well known exec producer for a feature movie hopefully starring Jodie Foster, and director by Danny Boyle, if we can them up for a release in 2012. We are setting this movie in the year 2525 A.D., and we are giving it the working title of "LOVELOCK". It will be filmed in New Zealand, and set in Alaska, with a few flashbacks to late 1990s and early 2010s. It will detail what life will be like in a so-called "Lovelock Retreat
in the year 2525, and focus on a family and their hopes to survive and continue the human species. The family lives on a small rustic homestead outside a big populated Lovelock Retreat in Alaska or Canada or Russia or Norway, and the name of their homestand is called LOVELOCK. Guess why?

[Lovelock is the UK scientist who famously talked about "Breeding Pairs in the Arctic" to ensure the survival of the human species, after global warming does a number on planet Earth!]



The basics look like Grand Star(TV series):

At first, I thought it was a big screen movie based on that series.The series is targeted at teenagers (heroes) but your movie could appeal to sci-fi fans and older crowd since you have the "breeder notion" and Jodie Foster.

Anyway, good luck on this project.


  1. Hi,

    The basics look like Grand Star(TV series):

    At first, I thought it was a big screen movie based on that series.

    The series is targeted at teenagers(heroes) but your movie could appeal to sci-fi fans and older crowd since you have the "breeder notion" and Jodie Foster.

    Anyway, good luck on this project.

  2. Hi Dan,

    Why did you erase the post about dog clones and Ms McKinney? Your slandering has overwhelmed the internet but you just delete it. Why did you do that?

  3. Hi Sir

    Re Your movie idea:

    You know, there's just no way I can see global warming as either likely or a real problem. Another mini ice-age seems far more likely to me but hey, I'm not a climatologist!

    Right now, I'm looking at a series of cold-weather events that are pretty much unprecedented--not individual events so much as the sheer number of them, this year especially.

    At what point--after how many years of cooling, how many extreme cold records--do we say that AGW just isn't happening as the models predicted? Being a trained engineer (process engineering) I've looked at the computer models and their sensitivity to even minutely differing inputs and reached the conclusion that they're utterly useless as predictors. It's almost become a case of "pick the model that suits" and that goes for global cooling as well as warming.
    Either way I'm very confident that as a species we're adaptable enough and intelligent enough to cope with either scenario--the worry is that political considerations will lead us down a track that will leave us unprepared, with research funds spent on the wrong things.

    My 2c worth.


  4. said a top scientist in the USA today re this:

    "extremely cool ...

    ... It is by things like this that Polar Cities will go from being one man's dream to a pop-culture touchstone."

  5. Dear "Lovelock" movie people:

    "Talking about the movie in very vague and tantalizing terms will be good for attracting interest and curiosity, and possibly financing. You may mention that the movie is about survival in the future in so-called polar cities along the Arctic Circle line, and includes flashback scenes from an earlier time that show how we got to that point."
