Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Polar Cities, Lovelock Retreats, in Tasmania: Year 2500


Tasmania has many rugged mountains and landscapes, and the Lake St Clair National Park, which includes Cradle Mountain, would be suitable to house polar cities, aka Lovelock retreats for global survivors of global warming in the year 2500 or so.

Hobart, for example, is overlooked by Mount Wellington, where some of the cities could be located.

1 comment:

  1. Tasmania is an island about 150 miles South of mainland Australia, bound on the South and West by the Indian Ocean, to the East by the Tasman Sea of the Pacific Ocean, and to the North by Bass Strait, which separates Tasmania from the mainland. With a population of around 470,000, Tasmania is the smallest of the Australian states.
    Tasmania was originally named "Van Diemen's Land", after the governor of the Netherlands Indies. Until 1853, Van Diemen's Land was a convict settlement, with more than 5,000 convicts arriving over a period of several years. In 1855 Van Diemen's Land was granted self-government, and in 1856 the name Tasmania was adopted.
