Sunday, June 22, 2008

Residence permits for polar cities offered for descendants of year 2500 of global warming

Media alert: For immediate release:

"Residency permits" for future polar cities free online now!

Note: For just US$25, payable in the far distant future and free for now, you can secure for your loved ones -- in the future -- a place in one of the many polar cities planned for the Earth in year 2500


Worried about global warming and the future? Worried about where your descendants might live if worst comes to worst in the far distant future?

Well, worry no more. Climate activist Danny Bloom, developer of the polar cities concept and website, inspired by British scientist James Lovelock, along with images created by Taiwanese artist Deng Cheng-hong, is offering unique residency permits for free online to interested parties.

"These residency permits will allow people to pass on an inheritance to their loved ones," says Bloom, who began working on the polar cities research project in 2007, after being inspired by the work of British chemist and scientist James Lovelock, has has predicted that the future world will consist of "breeding pairs in the Arctic."

"In order to prepare for this future world, we will need polar cities," says Bloom, "and these residency permits for polar cities will serve as a kind of wake up call for what is coming down the road. People who care about the future can purchase a residency permit for their loved ones for the year 2500 and rest assured that everything will be okay for them at that time. There is no cost now, they permits will be mailed free of charge to anyone who requests one, and the full payment of US$25 can be paid by your descendants upon entry into a polar city in the year 2500."

For more information, contact Bloom at

The Polar Cities Research Institute is a nonprofit group and all donations received from this free offer will be used for further public information campaigns about global warming and climate change.



  1. The document will say"

    Residency Permit, Year 2500 AD

    (good upon entry into any polar city in any region of Earth anytime after January 1, 2500 AD)

    THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ________________________ has shown a longterm interest, since 2008 in fact, in the futuristic concept of polar cities to house survivors of global warming in the year 2500. This document states that your descendants in the future will be guaranteed a safe and secure place in one of the many polar cities to be built in northern regions of the world in the far distant future (and also in New Zealand, Patagona, Tasmania, southern Australia and Antarctica).

    Please retain this document for your future records.

    Signed: Danny Bloom, director, Polar Cities Research Institute

    Links for more info:
    Wikipeida site
    New York Times site
    Polar Cities website
