Friday, June 6, 2008

Polar cities as lifeboats for future global warming troubles

Global "Virtual Media Tour" (2008 - 2018)

Subject: * polar cities *

HEADLINE: Global Virtual Media Tour to Promote Concept of Polar Cities to House Survivors of Global Warming in 2500 Invites Editors and Reporters Worldwide to Conduct Email Interviews with Polar City "idea-man" Danny Bloom Since He No Longer Flies and Cannot Visit Your Newsroom In Person But Is Available for Print Radio TV and New Media Interviews 24/7 from Every Corner of the World Via this Amazing New Invention Called The Internet.

To set up an interview, please email Danny at danbloom [at] gmail DOT com

Telephone interview also available 24/7 after initial email contacts with editors and reporters.


Danny Bloom is on a global "virtual media tour" to promote his ''wild and crazy'' idea of polar cities for future survivors of global warming in the year 2500 or so. Since he no longer uses airplanes and lives on an island in the western Pacific Ocean, about 100 miles off the coast of China, he is using the Internet to "visit" newsrooms around the world to explain his "fire exit" and "lifeboats" ideas to interested reporters, editors and bloggers.

Sorry, no radio and TV interviews. Not interested. Just print reporters.

Bloom, a 60 year old gaduate of Tufts University in Boston, has lived in Asia since 1991 and began working on his polar cities project in 2006, taking his focus from famed British scientist James Lovelock. Polar cities are still "off the radar" at most newspapers and magazines around the world, and Bloom's futuristic visions remain mostly invisible and unreported in the mainstream media.

But Bloom hopes to change all that using a global media tour -- virtual, online, by email and telephone -- to find reporters and editors who might be interested in learning more about his polar cities idea. See more here right now here:

Already the subject of a New York Times report (see blog above, linked) and some online print stories at Gizmoodo and Geekologie, polar cities are envisioned as safe refuge communities where survivors of globla warming can live when worst comes to worst -- if worst comes to worst, and Bloom hopes it never does! -- and where "breeding pairs" of humans can help to make sure that the human species survives and makes it through the coming Big Troubles, as Bloom has dubbed the coming bad times (2500 to 3500 AD).

There's still time to prepare, Bloom believes, and PLEASE NOTE, he's an optimist.

For this global virtual media tour, Bloom is not using airplanes -- he does not fly anymore -- or staying at hotels along the way.

"I do all my work now contacting editors and reporters from a local email cafe, where I rent the computer for an hour or two each morning. I do not own a computer or a car or a motor scooter. I travel around my town by bike and foot, and enjoy the view of the distant mountains from my fifth floor window here in Taiwan," he says. "This polar cities project is my life's work now, and I am eager to talk about what I am doing, and why, with interested reporters and editors worldwide. If the New York Times could take time to talk with me, surely some other reporters can do likewise. It's not a big story, it's not urgent news, but it's an interesting story nevertheless."

If interested in interviewing Bloom about his quixotic venture, please contact him by email here, and he will answer questions about his polar cities ideas, both pro and con, at your convenience. Danny is online 24/7/365 and ready for your questions. It's not a stretch to interview him, so do it. Wake up and smell an interesting, under-reported story about OUR FUTURE, THE FUTURE OF HUMANKIND.


NOTE: This is not a doomsday, survivalist, scaremongering story. Bloom is an eternal optimist with great hopes for the future of humanity. But he is concerned, he is very concerned.

NOTE NOTE: Bloom does not have a PHD in anything and he is not an expert in anything, either. Neither does he have the backing of any academic institute or organization, nor is he funded by Richard Branson or Bill Gates. He is doing this all on his own time and on his own dime, BECAUSE HE CARES.

Previous interviews:

First print media feature story: CNA wire service, Taiwan: News article by reporter Rachel Chan, May 18, 2008; published in China Post, May 31, 2008, page 14: link:

1. New York Times, Andrew Revkin, science reporter, blogmaster of Dot Earth,
March 31, 2008

2. Stephen Leahy, InterPress Service, IPS news service, in English and Spanish, January 2, 2008

3. - January 12, 2008

4. -- January 15, 2008

5. A Change in the Wind blog, Kit Stoltz, June 3, 2007

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