Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Polar City Designers, Architects, Engineers Wanted


I am now looking for team members for the Polar Cities Research Project,, (engineers, designers, architects, visionaries, futurists, psychologists, journalists, PR strategists, philanthropists) to help create the world's first Model Polar City for public view and public awareness - and volunteer residency - in the summer of 2012. Possible locations of the model city are in Norway, Russia, Canada or Alaska. It could even be on a college campus anywhere in the Lower 48 states of the USA. Although being in the north would be best to simulate the long periods of summer light that residents of polar cities will experience.

Funding for the world's first Model Polar City, dubbed "Polar City One" and a demonstration ''city'' only, with an all-volunteer population of some 30 residents for starters, is needed, of course. Possible donors will be Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Larry Brilliant and whoever else can respond to this global PR wake up call experiment with cash in hand. We do need a benefactor.

If you are interested in working on this with me, please contact me via the normal email account here. All people from all nations invited to apply.

NOTE: Polar cities won't be needed, if ever, until around the year 2500. So there is still plenty of time to explore the idea, experiment, test things out, fine tune the concept of polar cities and even re-name themm since they certainly won't be at the poles per se. It's just a catchy name for now. Who knows, they might even be in Kansas, Dorothy!


  1. Good luck with it Dan!

    The pic does work well with it.. the Moomins with a shovel and everything;)

  2. Thanks, Jane. And thanks for "lending" me that great Moomin cartoon image. I "borrowed" it from your blog after seeing your post there. Just cut and paste. Thanks for inspiring me. From Finland to Taiwan! Who knew?


    I am now looking for team members for the Polar Cities Research Project,, (engineers, designers, architects, visionaries, futurists, psychologists, journalists, PR strategists, philanthropists) to help create the world's first Model Polar City for public view and public awareness - and volunteer residency - in the summer of 2012. Possible locations of the model city are in Norway, Russia, Canada or Alaska. It could even be on a college campus anywhere in the Lower 48 states of the USA. Although being in the north would be best to simulate the long periods of summer light that residents of polar cities will experience.

    Funding for the world's first Model Polar City, dubbed "Polar City One" and a demonstration ''city'' only, with an all-volunteer population of some 30 residents for starters, is needed, of course. Possible donors will be Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Larry Brilliant and whoever else can respond to this global PR wake up call experiment with cash in hand. We do need a benefactor.

    If you are interested in working on this with me, please contact me via the normal email account here. All people from all nations invited to apply.

    NOTE: Polar cities won't be needed, if ever, until around the year 2500. So there is still plenty of time to explore the idea, experiment, test things out, fine tune the concept of polar cities and even re-name themm since they certainly won't be at the poles per se. It's just a catchy name for now. Who knows, they might even be in Kansas, Dorothy!
