Monday, May 26, 2008

Polar Cities (Timeline: 2007 - 2500)

Polar Cities (Timeline: 2007 - 2500)

2007 - January - Polar cities concept proposed in letter to the editor published in the Taipei Times, in Taiwan, English edition. First mention of the term "polar cities" in print in relation to safe refuges for survivors of global warming in the far distance future

2009 - January 2 - InterPress Service, IPS, news article about polar cities by Stephen Leahy.

2008 - March 30 - New York Times, Dot Earth blog, mentions polar cities, first time a mainstream media news organization mentions the term. LINK: http://dotearth/








2100 - The "Big Troubles" Begin

2200 - The Great Interruption Begins

2323 - Mass migrations northward to Alaska, Canada, Norway, Russia, Iceland,

2400 - World population is reduced from 10 billion people to 500,000 people.

2424 - Polar city sites are selected and construction begins. World population down to 200,000 people.

2500 - January 1 - First polar city, Polar City One, welcomes residents in Longyearbyen, Norway. Breeding pairs in the Arctic ensure survival of human species

3500 - After 1000 years of life in polar cities in northern regions, humans move southward to repopulate the Earth as temperatures return to 20th Century norms...

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