Sunday, January 6, 2008

* A blind journalist in Lucknow, India, recently did an interview with me, a young man of just 21 years of age, who is very concerned about climate change and global warming. Shadab Husain is his name, and here is the interview online now. He is still trying to find a newspaper or magazine in India to publish the interview, but until an editor there agrees to find space for it, here is the online version:

* Two friends in Tokyo, Satoru and Mitsuko, who I have known for 15 years, wrote to me today:

"After having spent the New Year holidays at our parents' homes in the Tokyo area, we returned home to find your postcard! Thank you!..... About the global warming counter-measures, your "polar cities" project seems to collect more and more media attention. For those people who do not yet have a sense of crisis about global warming, it may be difficult to understand the necessity of polar cities, but we think many people should start thinking about the future of the Earth not only within the scope of "their life" but also to the extent of the future generations' life. We always learn a lot from you; your project is a good one!"

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